Still a culinary mystery to many, the foods of Africa are as diverse. Just like many of its exotic destinations. When you initially think of African cuisine, you don’t necessarily think of the word gourmet.

Still a culinary mystery to many, the foods of Africa are as diverse. Just like many of its exotic destinations. When you initially think of African cuisine, you don’t necessarily think of the word gourmet.
When it comes to flavoring dried beans, legumes, rice, and/or vegetables, salt pork does not necessarily pop into the mind of the average cook.
Although I only eat it about once or twice a year, I love Spam. Why, you may wonder? Processed meat is a no-no on most healthy food lists. And my particular dietary needs dictate minimizing processed foods.
Scrapple is a 100% pork product consisting of cooked pig parts, inside and out, cornmeal, buckwheat flour, and assorted spices.
Low in fat, similar in taste and texture to pork, beef or lamb, for the adventurous eater, camel meat may be a very real option.
Immortalized by the former, critically acclaimed NFL sportscaster, John Madden. And popularized by the infamous New Orleans chef Paul Prudhomme, the turducken is a poultry lovers’ holiday trifecta. A deboned chicken stuffed into a deboned duck stuffed in
Eating liverwurst is usually an acquired taste. A spreadable sausage, liverwurst is made from a mixture of organ meat like pig and calves liver and assorted spices.