Munich’s Germany’s Oktoberfest begins September 19. And normally around the world there would be Oktoberfest celebrations everywhere. But this year is different with covid 19, most Oktoberfest are being canceled.
An Oktoberfest party, to many, is an autumn celebration, So this year if you want to enjoy the Oktoberfest festivities you are going to have to do it at home. You can host you closest friends and family, please be safe and keep it small 10 people and under. And if you are going to do a traditional Oktoberfest that means you should have it outside, usually in a biergarten or under a big tent.
Here are 5 traditional Oktoberfest meals you can make are home to celebrate this fall tradition.
DIY Oktoberfest
Steckerlfisch (grilled fish on a stick)
Simple and fairly easy to make, steckerlfisch is marinated, skewered and grilled fish like trout or mackerel. At home, try quick-grilling sardines.
Knödel (potato or flour dumplings)
These are large, dense, and super comforting dumplings. Found mostly in Central Europe. While these potato dumplings are technically Hungarian, the idea is the same. They are like rustic gnocchi.
If you’re attending Oktoberfest, you’re eating this pickled cabbage with almost anything. This homemade version mixes cabbage with sweet apples and aromatic caraway.
Schweinebraten (roast pork)
A classic German dish, schweinebraten can be made with many different pork cuts, like shoulder or even loin. It’s traditionally roasted with onions and a dark beer. For a quick and easy take on the dish, try this pounded pork tenderloin smothered in onion and mustard.
The famous Bavarian beer cheese dip is made with Camembert and Weissbier or a dark lager such as Dunkel. Served with rye bread, radishes and other veggies or soft pretzels. Classic Oktoberfest appetizer.
The beer
There are many German and German-style beers that have crossed my lips over the years. My favorites are those from boston, Samuel Adams Octoberfest has a rich, deep reddish amber hue which itself is reflective of the season. … Samuel Adams Octoberfest masterfully blends together five roasts of malt to create a delicious harmony of sweet flavors including caramel and toffee.seasonally-appropriate). If you want something more readily available, we also enjoy Sierra Nevada’s Oktoberfest. Let us know in the comments what your favorite Oktoberfest beer or food is.